how to share youtube video on instagram

Sharing YouTube videos on Instagram is a great way to introduce your content to a new audience and maximize your reach. By resizing and reposting videos, you can share your content consistently and even grow your following. To resize YouTube videos for Instagram, you can use the video editing tool Clipchamp. Simply sign in or sign up for free, import your YouTube video, adjust the aspect ratio to suit Instagram’s requirements, and save your video in 720p or 1080p resolution.

Key Takeaways:

  • Sharing YouTube videos on Instagram helps reach a new audience and increase your following.
  • Use Clipchamp to resize and edit your YouTube videos for Instagram.
  • Adjust the aspect ratio and save your video in 720p or 1080p resolution.
  • Consistently reposting videos on Instagram can maximize your content’s reach.
  • Growing your Instagram following through YouTube videos can lead to cross-promotion opportunities.

How to Post YouTube Videos on Instagram as a Video Post and Reel

If you want to reach a wider audience and cross-promote your YouTube channel on Instagram, you can easily repost your own YouTube videos as video posts or Reels. By following a few simple steps, you can adapt your YouTube content to Instagram’s video requirements and engage with your followers in a new way.

To get started, the first step is to download the YouTube video that you want to repost. Make sure you have permission from other creators if you are using their videos. Once you have the video, you can edit it using a video editing tool like Clipchamp to adjust the aspect ratio to fit Instagram’s requirements. This ensures that your video will display perfectly on Instagram without any cropping or distortion.

After editing your video, you can export it and then upload it to Instagram as either a regular video post or a Reel. By choosing to share it as a video post, you can add captions, hashtags, and engage with your audience through comments. On the other hand, sharing it as a Reel allows you to take advantage of Instagram’s algorithm and potentially reach a wider audience. Don’t forget to credit the original creator of the video in the description to avoid any copyright issues.

By reposting your YouTube videos on Instagram as video posts or Reels, you can effectively cross-promote your content and increase your visibility on both platforms. This allows you to reach a wider audience and potentially attract new subscribers to your YouTube channel. So why limit your content to just one platform when you can expand your reach and engage with a larger audience?

Table: The Benefits of Posting YouTube Videos on Instagram as Video Posts and Reels

Benefits Description
Increased Reach Reaching a new audience on Instagram and potentially attracting new subscribers to your YouTube channel.
Cross-Promotion Expanding your visibility and engagement by promoting your YouTube content on Instagram.
Engagement and Interaction Opportunities to engage with your followers through comments, captions, and hashtags.
Algorithm Advantage Using Instagram’s Reels feature to potentially reach a wider audience through the platform’s algorithm.

How to Post YouTube Videos on Instagram Story

Sharing your YouTube videos on Instagram Story is a great way to engage with your audience and create a more personal connection. By showcasing snippets of your YouTube content on your Instagram Story, you can generate excitement and attract more viewers to your channel. Here’s how you can post YouTube videos on Instagram Story:

  1. Download the YouTube video to your computer.
  2. Edit the video’s aspect ratio using a tool like Clipchamp to ensure it fits the vertical format of Instagram Story.
  3. Save the edited video to your smartphone.
  4. Open the Instagram app and tap on your profile.
  5. Tap on the “+” button to create a new Story.
  6. Select the edited video from your camera roll and share it with your followers.
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By following these steps, you can easily share your YouTube videos on Instagram Story and engage with your audience in a more immersive way.

Let’s take a look at the benefits of sharing YouTube videos on Instagram Story:

1. Increased Visibility: Instagram Story allows you to reach a wider audience and expose your YouTube content to users who may not be familiar with your channel.

2. Personal Connection: Sharing snippets of your YouTube videos on Instagram Story gives your audience a glimpse into your content and helps them feel more connected to you as a creator.

3. Promote Engagement: Instagram Story features like polls, question stickers, and swipe-up links can encourage your audience to interact with your YouTube videos and take action.

“Sharing YouTube videos on Instagram Story is a powerful way to connect with your audience and create a deeper level of engagement.” – Social Media Expert

Benefits of Posting YouTube Videos on Instagram Story Comparison
Increased visibility to a wider audience The reach on Instagram Story is broader compared to YouTube alone
Opportunity to establish a personal connection with your audience Instagram Story allows for a more intimate and interactive experience
Promote engagement through interactive features Instagram Story offers features like polls and question stickers that encourage audience participation

instagram video sharing

Sharing YouTube videos on Instagram Story has numerous benefits and can help you maximize your reach and engagement. By leveraging Instagram’s interactive features and creating a more personal connection with your audience, you can generate excitement and drive traffic to your YouTube channel.

How to Post YouTube Videos on Instagram Story as a Link

Sharing YouTube videos on your Instagram Story is a great way to engage your audience and promote your YouTube channel. While you can share snippets of your videos directly, posting them as a link provides a seamless way for your followers to access the full video. Here’s how you can post YouTube videos on your Instagram Story as a link:

  1. Create a new Story on Instagram by tapping on your profile and then the “+” button.
  2. Tap on the sticker icon and select the link button.
  3. Copy the URL of your YouTube video from the YouTube app or website.
  4. Paste the URL into the link field on Instagram and customize the link button color.
  5. Share your Story, and your followers can now tap on the link to watch the full video on YouTube.

This method not only allows you to promote your YouTube videos but also provides an opportunity to drive traffic to your YouTube channel. By sharing a direct link, you make it easier for your Instagram followers to access and view your content on YouTube, boosting your video’s reach and engagement.

“Posting YouTube videos on Instagram Story as a link is a strategic way to expand your online presence and connect with your audience on multiple platforms.” – Social Media Expert

Remember to use engaging captions and stickers on your Instagram Story to entice your followers to watch your YouTube video. You can also encourage them to like, comment, and subscribe to your channel for more content. Keep experimenting with different video formats and styles to keep your audience entertained and interested in your YouTube videos.

Benefits of Posting YouTube Videos on Instagram Story as a Link
1. Drive traffic to your YouTube channel
2. Increase video reach and engagement
3. Expand your online presence
4. Connect with your audience on multiple platforms

instagram video marketing

Benefits of Posting YouTube Videos on Instagram

There are several benefits to reposting YouTube videos on Instagram. First, it helps increase the visibility of your content by reaching a new audience on Instagram. Instagram has a diverse user base with different interests and niches, making it the perfect platform for cross-promotion. By sharing your YouTube videos on Instagram, you can attract viewers who may not have discovered your content otherwise.

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Second, repurposing your YouTube videos for Instagram allows you to save time and effort by adapting your content to suit Instagram’s video requirements. Instead of creating new videos from scratch, you can resize and edit your YouTube videos with tools like Clipchamp to make them suitable for Instagram’s vertical format. This helps keep your content consistent and maximizes its reach across different platforms.

Finally, by sharing highlights and clips of your YouTube videos on Instagram, you can create teaser videos that generate curiosity and drive traffic to your YouTube channel. Instagram allows you to engage with your audience on a more personal level, giving them a taste of what they can expect from your YouTube content. This can help build anticipation and encourage viewers to explore your YouTube channel for more in-depth content.

Table: Benefits of Posting YouTube Videos on Instagram

Benefits Description
Increased Visibility Reach a new audience on Instagram and attract viewers who may not have discovered your YouTube content otherwise.
Time Saving Repurpose your existing YouTube videos for Instagram by resizing and editing them, saving time and effort in content creation.
Teaser Videos Create highlights and clips of your YouTube videos to generate curiosity and drive traffic to your YouTube channel.

Overall, reposting YouTube videos on Instagram is a valuable strategy for Instagram video marketing and YouTube video promotion. It allows you to tap into Instagram’s diverse user base, repurpose your content efficiently, and engage with your audience in new and exciting ways. By leveraging both platforms, you can maximize your social media presence and connect with a wider audience.

The Rise of Video Content on Instagram and YouTube

Video content has become increasingly popular on both Instagram and YouTube. Instagram has seen significant growth in video engagement, especially with the introduction of features like Reels. According to recent data, Instagram Reels receive higher engagement compared to other types of Instagram posts, making it a valuable tool for content creators.

On the other hand, YouTube remains the go-to platform for longer-form video content, but it has also embraced the trend of short-form videos with the introduction of YouTube Shorts. YouTube Shorts allows creators to upload snippets of their content in a vertical format, similar to TikTok and Instagram Reels. This move by YouTube aims to capitalize on the popularity of short-form video content and keep up with the changing preferences of users.

Both platforms offer unique opportunities for content creators and marketers. Instagram provides a visually appealing, mobile-first platform where brands can connect with their audience through engaging and bite-sized videos. YouTube, on the other hand, offers a robust video platform with a larger user base, allowing creators to showcase longer and more in-depth content.

The Benefits of Instagram Video Marketing

With the rise of video content on Instagram and YouTube, it’s no surprise that businesses and creators are leveraging these platforms for video marketing. Here are some of the key benefits of using Instagram for video marketing:

  • Increased Reach: Instagram’s large user base provides an opportunity to reach a wider audience and increase brand visibility.
  • Engagement: Videos on Instagram often receive higher engagement rates compared to other types of content, allowing brands to connect more deeply with their audience.
  • Brand Authenticity: Instagram’s visual nature allows businesses to showcase their products or services in a creative and authentic way.
  • Cross-Promotion: By sharing YouTube videos on Instagram, creators can drive traffic to their YouTube channel and vice versa, maximizing their reach on both platforms.

Overall, the rise of video content on Instagram and YouTube offers exciting opportunities for businesses and content creators. By understanding the unique advantages of each platform and tailoring their video marketing strategies accordingly, brands can effectively engage with their audience and achieve their marketing goals.

Why You Should Repurpose YouTube Videos on Instagram

Repurposing your YouTube videos on Instagram can be a game-changer for your digital marketing strategy. It allows you to tap into the massive user base of Instagram and connect with a new audience that may not be familiar with your YouTube channel. By sharing your YouTube content on Instagram, you can promote your videos, increase your subscribers and followers, and establish a strong online presence.

One of the key benefits of repurposing YouTube videos on Instagram is the ability to engage with your audience on a more personal level. Instagram’s features like Stories and Reels provide a unique opportunity to showcase snippets of your YouTube videos in a visually appealing and bite-sized format. This allows you to capture the attention of Instagram users who may have a shorter attention span but are still interested in your content.

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Driving traffic and awareness

Another advantage of repurposing YouTube videos on Instagram is the ability to drive traffic and awareness to your YouTube channel. By creating teaser videos and channel trailers on Instagram, you can pique the curiosity of your followers and encourage them to visit your YouTube channel for more in-depth content. This can result in an increase in views, likes, and shares on your YouTube videos, ultimately boosting your overall channel performance.

Additionally, repurposing YouTube videos on Instagram allows you to extend the lifespan of your content by reaching a wider audience. While your YouTube subscribers may already be familiar with your videos, sharing them on Instagram exposes your content to a new set of eyes. This cross-platform promotion can help you attract new viewers, generate more engagement, and potentially convert Instagram users into loyal subscribers.

Benefits of Repurposing YouTube Videos on Instagram
Increased brand visibility By sharing YouTube videos on Instagram, you can expand your brand’s reach and increase its visibility in the digital space.
Engagement with a new audience Instagram’s diverse user base provides an opportunity to engage with a different audience and introduce them to your YouTube channel.
Driving traffic to your YouTube channel Teaser videos and channel trailers on Instagram can drive traffic to your YouTube channel and increase views and engagement.
Extended lifespan of your content Repurposing YouTube videos on Instagram helps you reach a wider audience and prolong the impact of your content.

In conclusion, repurposing your YouTube videos on Instagram is a savvy strategy to promote your content, engage with a new audience, and drive traffic to your YouTube channel. By leveraging the power of both platforms, you can maximize your online presence and expand your reach in the competitive world of digital marketing.


Reposting YouTube videos on Instagram is a great way to expand your reach, engage with your audience, and increase your following. By using tools like Clipchamp to resize and edit your videos, you can easily adapt your YouTube content for Instagram’s video requirements. Whether you choose to post videos as regular posts, Reels, or Stories, cross-promoting your YouTube channel on Instagram can have numerous benefits. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to maximize your social media presence and connect with a new audience on Instagram.


How can I resize YouTube videos for Instagram?

You can use the video editing tool Clipchamp. Sign in or sign up for free, import your YouTube video, adjust the aspect ratio to suit Instagram’s requirements, and save your video in 720p or 1080p resolution.

Can I repost my own YouTube videos on Instagram?

Yes, you can. Download the video from YouTube and edit it with Clipchamp to fit Instagram’s aspect ratio. Once edited, export and upload it to Instagram as a video post or Reel. Remember to have permission from other creators before using their videos and credit the original poster in the video description.

How can I share YouTube videos on Instagram Story?

Download the video to your computer, use Clipchamp to edit the aspect ratio, and save the edited video to your smartphone. Then, open the Instagram app, tap on your profile, and create a new Story. Select the video from your camera roll and share it with your followers on Instagram.

How do I share a YouTube video link on my Instagram Story?

Use the link sticker feature on Instagram. Create a new Story, tap on the sticker icon, select the link button, and paste the YouTube video URL. Customize the link button color and share your Story. Viewers can tap on the link to be redirected to your YouTube channel or the specific video you want to promote.

What are the benefits of reposting YouTube videos on Instagram?

Reposting YouTube videos on Instagram increases the visibility of your content by reaching a new audience. It helps repurpose your content, saves time by turning widescreen videos into vertical highlight reels, and allows you to create teaser videos and channel trailers to drive traffic to your YouTube channel.

How are Instagram and YouTube embracing video content?

Instagram has seen significant growth in video engagement, especially with the introduction of Reels. YouTube remains the go-to platform for longer-form video content but has also introduced YouTube Shorts, allowing creators to upload short-form vertical videos.

Why should I repurpose YouTube videos on Instagram?

Repurposing YouTube videos on Instagram increases subscribers and followers, extends the life of your content by sharing it with different audiences, and provides regular and engaging video content for your audience.

Can reposting YouTube videos on Instagram benefit my brand?

Yes, by cross-promoting on both platforms, you can keep your audience engaged and informed, reach a wider audience, and stay up to date across social media platforms.


  • Hi, I'm Rebekah! I created to delve into YouTube. Passionate about Youtube, Influencers, etc. I'm here to bring you fresh perspectives and actionable insights. Let's explore, learn, and create together!