farming youtube channels

Are you interested in learning more about farming and agriculture? Look no further than the world of YouTube, where you can find a wealth of informative and entertaining content dedicated to these topics. From farming vlogs to agricultural video content, these YouTube channels offer a valuable resource for both novice and experienced farmers.

These channels cover a wide range of subjects, including dispelling myths about farming and food, showcasing different farming practices, reviewing agricultural machinery, and sharing tips and techniques. Whether you’re looking for inspiration, practical knowledge, or simply want to immerse yourself in the world of farming, these YouTube channels have got you covered.

In this article, I will introduce you to some of the top YouTube channels about farming and agriculture, each offering a unique perspective and valuable insights into the industry. Let’s dive in!

Key Takeaways:

  • There are many informative and entertaining YouTube channels dedicated to farming and agriculture.
  • These channels cover a wide range of topics, including dispelling myths about farming and food, showcasing different farming practices, reviewing agricultural machinery, and sharing tips and techniques.
  • These channels provide a valuable resource for both novice and experienced farmers, offering insights, inspiration, and practical knowledge.
  • The popularity of these channels is a testament to the growing interest in agriculture and the importance of connecting farmers and consumers.

MN Millennial Farmer

When it comes to farming myths, agricultural machinery, and GMO, there’s one YouTube channel that stands out among the rest – MN Millennial Farmer, run by Zach Johnson. With over 900k subscribers, this highly popular channel offers a unique insight into the world of farming from the perspective of a fifth-generation farmer.

Through his videos, Zach aims to dispel myths about farming and food, providing viewers with a clear understanding of the agricultural industry. From showcasing the daily life on a farm to documenting the process of food growth and various farming practices, he covers a wide range of topics.

One of the highlights of MN Millennial Farmer is the extensive coverage of agricultural machinery. Zach provides reviews, tutorials, and demonstrations of the latest equipment, helping farmers make informed decisions about their machinery needs. Additionally, viewers can learn about GMO and gain valuable insights into equipment usage and maintenance.

“Farming is not just my livelihood; it’s my passion. I want to debunk common misconceptions and educate people about the reality of modern farming. Through my videos, I hope to bridge the gap between farmers and consumers and create a better understanding of the importance of agriculture in our lives.” – Zach Johnson

Welker Farms Inc

Welker Farms Inc, operated by Bob Welker and his sons Nick and Scott, is a third-generation family-owned farm located in North Central Montana. We take great pride in carrying on the farm legacy established by our ancestors and sharing our knowledge and experiences with viewers.

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Our YouTube channel is dedicated to showcasing the daily life on our farm, providing informative content about crop cultivation, and reviewing the latest farming technology. Through our videos, we aim to not only entertain but also educate and inspire individuals interested in farming.

Featuring stunning visuals of our expansive fields and demonstrations of equipment usage, our videos offer a unique perspective on farm life. We also share valuable tips and tricks for farm management, ensuring that viewers can learn practical techniques to implement on their own farms.

“Our commitment to preserving the farm legacy is what drives us to create content that resonates with both farmers and enthusiasts. We strive to bridge the gap between the farming community and the general public, fostering a greater understanding and appreciation for agriculture.”

With over 545k subscribers, our channel has gained recognition for our epic farm videos and comprehensive technology reviews. The positive response from our viewers motivates us to continue sharing our experiences and insights as we navigate the ever-evolving world of farming.

Welker Farms Inc

Join us on our journey as we continue to embrace new technologies, cultivate crops, and contribute to the vibrant agricultural community. Together, let’s explore the legacy of farming and the potential of modern farming practices.

How Farms Work

How Farms Work is a farming YouTube channel run by Ryan Custer, a 25-year-old farmer from Wisconsin. I provide a firsthand look at several beef and crop farms located in Southwestern Wisconsin.

I showcase equipment operation, farming techniques, and daily activities on the farm. Through my videos, viewers can observe the daily working schedule on a 1,200-acre farm and learn from my experience and expertise. Whether it’s operating heavy machinery or tending to livestock, I give an authentic glimpse into the daily life of a Wisconsin farmer.

With over 295k subscribers, my channel features videos that range from teaching my girlfriend how to drive a tractor to emptying grain bins. I aim to educate and entertain viewers through engaging and informative content. Join me on How Farms Work to learn more about the fascinating world of beef and crop farming in Wisconsin.

Peterson Farm Bros

I am thrilled to introduce you to the Peterson Farm Bros, a trio of fifth-generation farmers from Kansas who have gained widespread recognition on YouTube! The Peterson Farm Bros channel offers a unique blend of informative and entertaining videos that showcase what life is like on a real Midwest farm.

The channel features a wide range of content, including informative videos, lifestyle blogs, musical parodies, and entertainment stories. The Peterson brothers are dedicated to giving viewers a complete picture of farm life in the Midwest, highlighting the hard work, humor, and unexpected cover songs that are part of their daily experiences.

One of the standout features of the Peterson Farm Bros channel is their farming parodies. With popular videos like “I’m Farming and I Grow It” and “Farmer Style,” they put a hilarious and catchy twist on popular songs while sharing important messages about farming and agriculture.

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With over 280k subscribers, the Peterson Farm Bros have made a significant impact, capturing the hearts of viewers around the world. Their lighthearted and informative approach to showcasing farm life has resonated with audiences of all backgrounds, creating a deeper appreciation for the hard work and dedication that goes into running a Midwest farm.

If you’re looking for a channel that combines entertainment and education, the Peterson Farm Bros is a definite must-watch. Their informative videos, creative parodies, and genuine passion for farming make them a standout presence in the world of agriculture on YouTube.

farming parodies

Farm Marketing Solutions

Farm Marketing Solutions is a YouTube channel created by John Saskovich, a farmer from Western Connecticut. In his videos, John focuses on inspiring the next generation of farmers and teaching them not only how to harvest but also how to make money from farming.

“I believe that farming is not just about cultivating crops; it’s also about cultivating a successful business,” says John.

Through his channel, John provides valuable insights and practical tips on farm marketing, business processes, and turning farming into a profitable venture. He shares his own experiences and expertise, helping farmers navigate the complexities of the agricultural industry.

“Farmers need to understand the importance of effective marketing strategies in today’s competitive market. It’s not enough to just grow amazing crops; you also need to know how to sell them,” explains John.

One of the most popular videos on his channel is titled “How to Start a Farm with No Money,” where John offers a step-by-step guide for aspiring farmers who may be facing financial constraints.

If you’re looking to improve your farm marketing skills, learn about successful business processes, and gain insights into turning your farm into a profitable venture, Farm Marketing Solutions is a valuable resource to consider.

Off-Top YouTube Channels

In addition to the well-known farming YouTube channels mentioned above, there are many other channels that offer unique perspectives on farming from around the world.

These channels provide a glimpse into the agricultural fields of different countries, showcasing diverse farming practices, landscapes, and cultures.

Viewers can explore a wide range of farming content, including videos on crop cultivation, livestock management, sustainable farming practices, and more.

These channels offer a global perspective on farming and highlight the universal importance of agriculture in feeding the world.


YouTube has revolutionized the way information about farming and agriculture is shared. The channels mentioned in this article are a treasure trove of valuable insights, inspiration, and entertainment for farmers and agriculture enthusiasts like myself. From debunking myths about farming to showcasing the latest farming practices and reviewing cutting-edge agricultural machinery, these channels offer a diverse range of content.

Whether you’re a beginner farmer seeking guidance or an experienced farmer looking for new ideas, these YouTube channels can provide you with invaluable resources. The agriculture video creators behind these channels have created a platform that bridges the gap between the farming community and the general public.

By connecting farmers and consumers, these channels promote a greater understanding of the importance of agriculture in our daily lives. They offer a unique opportunity for us to appreciate and learn from the hard work, dedication, and expertise of farmers around the world. So, if you’re passionate about farming and agribusiness, don’t miss out on these popular YouTube channels!

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Are there any informative and entertaining YouTube channels dedicated to farming and agriculture?

Yes, there are many informative and entertaining YouTube channels dedicated to farming and agriculture.

What topics do these farming YouTube channels cover?

These farming YouTube channels cover a wide range of topics, including dispelling myths about farming and food, showcasing different farming practices, reviewing agricultural machinery, and sharing tips and techniques.

Who are some popular farming YouTube channel creators?

Some popular farming YouTube channels include MN Millennial Farmer, run by Zach Johnson; Welker Farms Inc, operated by Bob Welker and his sons Nick and Scott; How Farms Work, run by Ryan Custer; Peterson Farm Bros, featuring a trio of fifth-generation farmers from Kansas; and Farm Marketing Solutions by John Saskovich.

What does MN Millennial Farmer focus on?

MN Millennial Farmer, run by Zach Johnson, aims to dispel myths about farming and food through his videos. He showcases the daily life on a farm, the process of food growth, and various farming practices. The channel also provides extensive coverage of agricultural machinery, including reviews and tutorials.

What can viewers expect to see on Welker Farms Inc?

Welker Farms Inc, operated by Bob Welker and his sons Nick and Scott, focuses on showcasing farm life, reviewing the latest farming technology, and providing informative content about crop cultivation. They feature stunning visuals of the fields and demonstrations of equipment usage, as well as tips and tricks for farm management.

What does How Farms Work offer?

How Farms Work, run by Ryan Custer, provides a firsthand look at several beef and crop farms located in Southwestern Wisconsin. Ryan showcases equipment operation, farming techniques, and daily activities on the farm, giving viewers the opportunity to observe the daily workings of a 1,200-acre farm and learn from Ryan’s experience and expertise.

What makes Peterson Farm Bros unique?

The Peterson Farm Bros are a trio of fifth-generation farmers from Kansas who entertain viewers with their unique blend of informative and entertaining videos. Their channel features a wide range of content, including informative videos, lifestyle blogs, musical parodies, and entertainment stories, showcasing the hard work and humor that are part of farm life.

What can viewers expect from Farm Marketing Solutions?

Farm Marketing Solutions, created by John Saskovich, focuses on inspiring the next generation of farmers and teaching them how to not only harvest but also make money from farming. John provides valuable insights and practical tips on farm marketing, business processes, and turning farming into a profitable venture.

Are there other farming YouTube channels from around the world?

Yes, in addition to the well-known farming YouTube channels mentioned above, there are many other channels that offer unique perspectives on farming from around the world. These channels provide a glimpse into the agricultural fields of different countries, showcasing diverse farming practices, landscapes, and cultures.

What can viewers expect from these off-top YouTube channels?

Viewers can explore a wide range of farming content, including videos on crop cultivation, livestock management, sustainable farming practices, and more. These channels offer a global perspective on farming and highlight the universal importance of agriculture in feeding the world.

Why are farming YouTube channels important?

Farming YouTube channels have become a powerful platform for showcasing and sharing knowledge about farming and agriculture. They provide a valuable resource for both novice and experienced farmers, offering insights, inspiration, and practical knowledge. These channels also bridge the gap between the farming community and the general public, fostering a better understanding of the importance of agriculture in our daily lives.


  • Hi, I'm Rebekah! I created to delve into YouTube. Passionate about Youtube, Influencers, etc. I'm here to bring you fresh perspectives and actionable insights. Let's explore, learn, and create together!