how to find old youtube videos

YouTube is a treasure trove of amazing videos, but sometimes the content we love disappears. Whether it’s due to YouTube’s policies or the creators themselves, finding deleted or old YouTube videos can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. But fear not! In this article, we will guide you through three simple methods to help you locate and watch those elusive videos once again.

From archived YouTube content to inactive videos, we’ve got you covered. So, let’s dive in and retrieve those cherished past YouTube uploads!

Key Takeaways:

  • Don’t despair if your favorite YouTube videos go missing, there are ways to find and watch them again.
  • Using the Wayback Machine, you can access archived content and even download deleted YouTube videos if you have the URL.
  • If you don’t have the URL, you can still search for deleted YouTube videos using helpful Google search operators.
  • Exploring other platforms where the video might have been shared could lead you to the deleted content.
  • Consider recording the YouTube videos you love using screen recording software to prevent future deletions.

How to Watch Deleted YouTube Videos with URL

If you have the URL of a deleted YouTube video, you can still watch it using the Wayback Machine. The Wayback Machine is a digital archive of the internet that stores web pages, including YouTube videos. By entering the URL of the deleted video into the Wayback Machine’s search function, you can access archived versions of the page and potentially re-watch or even download the video.

If you don’t have the URL of the deleted video, there are still ways to find it. One method is to check your browser history. If you have previously watched the video, you can find the title and URL in your browsing history. Simply navigate to your history, search for the video’s title or related keywords, and retrieve the URL.

Additionally, you can check your YouTube video listing. If you had the video saved in a playlist or liked it, you can find the title and URL in your YouTube account. By accessing your playlists or liked videos, you can retrieve the necessary information to search for the deleted video.

“The Wayback Machine is a great tool for accessing deleted YouTube videos if you have the URL. But even if you don’t, don’t worry! Your browser history and YouTube video listing can provide valuable information to help you find the deleted video.” – YouTube enthusiast

Table: Steps to Watch Deleted YouTube Videos with URL

Steps Description
Step 1 Copy the URL of the deleted YouTube video.
Step 2 Visit the Wayback Machine website.
Step 3 Paste the URL into the Wayback Machine’s search bar.
Step 4 Explore the archived versions of the web page to find the video.
Step 5 If the video is available, you can re-watch or download it.

By following these steps, you can still watch deleted YouTube videos by utilizing the Wayback Machine or checking your browser history and YouTube video listing. Whether you have the URL or not, there are methods available to rediscover your favorite videos.

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How to Watch Deleted YouTube Videos without Link

If you don’t have the URL of a deleted YouTube video, don’t worry! There is still a way to find and watch it. One method is to use the Google search operator. By employing specific search commands, you can locate deleted YouTube videos that may have been shared on other websites or platforms.

Start by entering the unique video identifier, such as the title or any distinctive keywords, into the Google search bar. Enclose the identifier in quotation marks to ensure accurate search results. For example, if you are looking for a deleted video titled “Funny cat compilation,” you would search for “Funny cat compilation”

The command restricts the search to YouTube, increasing the chances of finding the deleted video. However, keep in mind that the video may have been shared on other sites as well, so be sure to explore beyond YouTube. Websites like social media platforms or online forums may have discussions or links to the deleted video.


Let’s say you want to find a deleted video titled “How to bake a chocolate cake” without the URL. Simply enter “How to bake a chocolate cake” into the Google search bar and press enter. Google will search YouTube for any videos matching your search terms, even if they have been deleted. Additionally, you can try exploring other websites and platforms where the video may have been shared to increase your chances of finding and watching it.

How to Watch Deleted YouTube Videos without Wayback Machine

If the Wayback Machine doesn’t have a snapshot of the deleted YouTube video you’re looking for, don’t worry. There are alternative methods you can try to watch deleted YouTube videos. One option is to search for the video on other websites using Google. Some YouTube videos may have been shared on other platforms before they were deleted, and you may be able to find and watch them there.

Another method is to use specialized YouTube archive websites. These websites are dedicated to preserving and cataloging deleted or hard-to-find YouTube videos. They often have a vast collection of archived content that you can browse and search through. Simply enter keywords or the title of the deleted video into the search bar, and you may be able to locate a copy of the video.

If you’re unable to find the deleted YouTube video through these methods, you can try reaching out to the original uploader or other users who may have saved the video. They might be able to provide you with a copy or direct you to a source where the video is still available. Social media platforms, online forums, and communities focused on YouTube or video content creation can be great places to connect with other users who may have access to the deleted video.

Table: Alternative Methods to Wayback Machine

Method Description
Google Search Search for the deleted video on other websites where it may have been shared.
YouTube Archive Websites Explore specialized websites that preserve deleted YouTube videos.
Reach Out to Uploaders and Users Contact the original uploader or other users who may have saved the video.

By using these alternative methods, you increase your chances of finding and watching deleted YouTube videos even without the Wayback Machine. Remember to respect copyright laws and the privacy of content creators when accessing and sharing deleted videos.

How to Watch Deleted YouTube Videos with Browser History or YouTube List

Have you ever come across a deleted YouTube video that you desperately wanted to watch again? Don’t worry, there are still ways to find and watch deleted YouTube videos, even if you don’t have the URL. One method is to check your browser history or YouTube list, where you might find the title and URL of the deleted video.

To access your browser history, simply go to your browser’s settings and look for the history section. From there, you can search for the specific video by typing keywords or the channel name into the search bar. If you’re lucky, the deleted video might still be listed in your history, allowing you to retrieve the URL and watch it once again.

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Another option is to check your YouTube list, which includes videos you have previously watched, liked, or added to your playlists. By navigating to your YouTube account and going to the Library section, you can find the Watch History and Liked Videos categories, where the deleted video might be stored. From there, you can click on the video to access the URL and try to watch it through other platforms or the Wayback Machine.

Benefits of Using Browser History and YouTube List

Using your browser history or YouTube list to find deleted videos has several advantages. Firstly, it provides a convenient way to rediscover videos you have previously interacted with or enjoyed. Secondly, it eliminates the need to search for the title or URL of the deleted video from scratch, saving you time and effort. Lastly, it allows you to access the video through alternative methods, such as searching for it on other platforms where it might have been shared.

Key Benefits watch deleted YouTube videos with browser history
Convenient access to previously watched videos ✔️
Saves time and effort ✔️
Provides alternative methods of watching the video ✔️

So, if you ever find yourself yearning to watch a deleted YouTube video, be sure to check your browser history and YouTube list. These simple steps might just lead you back to the video you thought was lost forever.

How to Prevent Video Deletions – Recording YouTube Videos

To avoid losing your favorite YouTube videos, it is recommended to record them in advance. By using screen recording software like EaseUS RecExperts, you can capture and save YouTube videos on your device. This not only allows you to watch the videos offline but also acts as a backup in case the original video is deleted. EaseUS RecExperts offers an easy-to-use interface and various features, such as recording with sound, adding effects, and scheduling recordings.

Recording YouTube videos with EaseUS RecExperts is a straightforward process. Simply follow these steps:

  1. Download and install EaseUS RecExperts on your device.
  2. Open the software and choose the “Record Screen” option.
  3. Select the area of the screen you want to capture, such as the YouTube video player.
  4. Adjust the recording settings, including audio input and output.
  5. Click the “REC” button to start recording the YouTube video.
  6. Once the recording is complete, click the “Stop” button to save the video file.

By following these simple steps, you can prevent video deletions and ensure that your favorite YouTube videos are always accessible. Whether you want to watch them offline or keep them as a backup, recording YouTube videos with EaseUS RecExperts is a reliable solution.

prevent video deletions

Tips for Successful Video Recovery

While recording YouTube videos can help prevent deletions, there may still be instances where you need to recover deleted videos. Here are some tips to increase your chances of successful video recovery:

  • Act quickly: As soon as you realize a video has been deleted, start the recovery process.
  • Thoroughly search: Use proper search techniques, such as keyword research, to find deleted videos.
  • Explore other platforms: Check social media or online forums where the video may have been shared.
  • Consider third-party software: Utilize data recovery software like Disk Drill for more options in recovering deleted videos.

By following these tips, you can enhance your chances of recovering deleted YouTube videos and rediscovering your favorite content.

Tips and Tricks for Successful Video Recovery

When it comes to recovering deleted YouTube videos, time is of the essence. Acting quickly and implementing the right strategies can significantly increase your chances of successfully retrieving the lost content. Here, we share some valuable tips to enhance your video recovery journey and maximize your success rate.

Thorough Keyword Research

One effective way to find deleted videos is by conducting thorough keyword research. By analyzing relevant keywords and phrases associated with the deleted video, you can broaden your search and uncover potential leads. Consider using variations of the video title, creator’s name, or any unique details you remember. This method can help you discover online platforms, forums, or social media posts where the deleted video might have been discussed or shared.

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Exploring Different Platforms

Expanding your search beyond YouTube can also increase your chances of recovering deleted videos. Look for alternative platforms where the video may have been reposted or shared before deletion. Use search engines to scour various websites and forums that host user-generated content. It’s worth exploring social media platforms, online communities, and video-sharing websites to find traces of the deleted video.

Consider Third-Party Recovery Software

If your initial attempts to recover the video prove unsuccessful, consider using third-party data recovery software, such as Disk Drill. These tools are specifically designed to help retrieve deleted files, including videos, from your computer or storage devices. With advanced scanning and recovery algorithms, these software solutions can provide additional options for recovering deleted YouTube videos. However, keep in mind that success may vary depending on the specific circumstances and availability of the video.

By following these tips and tricks, you can increase your chances of successfully recovering deleted YouTube videos. Remember to act quickly, conduct thorough keyword research, explore diverse platforms, and leverage data recovery software when needed. With persistence and the right strategies, you may be able to rediscover your favorite videos and preserve them for future enjoyment.


In conclusion, the journey to recover deleted YouTube videos is within reach. By utilizing various methods such as the Wayback Machine, Google search operators, and exploring alternative platforms, you can rediscover your favorite videos. Acting swiftly and employing proper search techniques are key to increasing your chances of success.

Furthermore, to safeguard against future video deletions, consider implementing backup solutions or utilizing recording software like EaseUS RecExperts. This not only allows you to watch videos offline but also acts as a safety net in case the original video is deleted.

Remember, the internet is vast and ever-changing, so it’s important to act promptly and diligently when attempting to recover deleted videos. By following these steps and staying proactive, you can increase your chances of recovering and enjoying those cherished YouTube videos once again.


How can I find old YouTube videos?

You can find old YouTube videos by using the Wayback Machine, searching with Google search operators, or exploring other platforms where the videos may have been shared.

How can I watch deleted YouTube videos with a URL?

If you have the URL of a deleted YouTube video, you can try to re-watch or download it through the Wayback Machine. Alternatively, you can find the title and URL of the deleted video by checking your browser history or YouTube video listing.

How can I watch deleted YouTube videos without a link?

If you don’t have the URL of a deleted YouTube video, you can use Google search operators to search for the unique video identifier. This may help you find and watch the video on other websites or platforms where it may have been shared.

What can I do if the Wayback Machine doesn’t have a snapshot of the deleted YouTube video?

If the Wayback Machine doesn’t work or doesn’t have a snapshot of the deleted video, you can try searching for the video on other websites using Google. Some YouTube videos may have been shared on other platforms before they were deleted, and you may be able to find and watch them there.

How can I watch deleted YouTube videos using my browser history or YouTube list?

If you have previously watched or interacted with a deleted YouTube video, you can try to find it in your browser history or YouTube list. By navigating to these sections, you may be able to find the URL and title of the deleted video, which can then be used to search for it on other platforms or through the Wayback Machine.

How can I prevent video deletions on YouTube?

To prevent video deletions, it is recommended to record YouTube videos in advance using screen recording software like EaseUS RecExperts. This allows you to capture and save YouTube videos on your device, acting as a backup in case the original video is deleted.

Are there any tips for successful video recovery?

Yes, thorough keyword research can help in finding deleted videos, and exploring various platforms like social media or online forums can increase the chances of success. Additionally, considering third-party data recovery software like Disk Drill can provide more options for recovering deleted videos.

Can I recover deleted YouTube videos?

While it is not always guaranteed, taking swift action and following the proper search techniques can increase your chances of recovering deleted YouTube videos.


  • Hi, I'm Rebekah! I created to delve into YouTube. Passionate about Youtube, Influencers, etc. I'm here to bring you fresh perspectives and actionable insights. Let's explore, learn, and create together!