how to save a youtube video to camera roll

Do you want to watch YouTube videos offline? Maybe you’re planning a long trip or simply want to save your favorite videos for later. Whatever the reason, we’ve got you covered! In this article, we’ll show you how to save YouTube videos to your camera roll or phone storage effortlessly. With our step-by-step instructions, you’ll be able to enjoy your favorite YouTube content anytime, anywhere.

Key Takeaways:

  • Learn how to download YouTube videos to your camera roll or phone storage for offline viewing.
  • Discover the simple steps to save YouTube videos on both iOS and Android devices.
  • Understand the benefits of downloading YouTube videos, such as watching without ads and easy sharing.
  • Consider important factors like copyright and uploading restrictions before downloading and sharing YouTube videos.
  • Explore the best online video downloaders to save YouTube videos without using additional apps.

Saving YouTube Videos to Camera Roll on iOS

To save YouTube videos to your camera roll on an iOS device, you can use the “Documents by Readdle” app. Here’s how:

  1. Download and install the Documents by Readdle app from the App Store.
  2. Open the YouTube app and find the video you want to save.
  3. Tap the “Share” button and copy the video’s URL.
  4. Open the Documents app and tap the compass icon in the lower-right corner.
  5. Go to the Y2Mate website within the app and paste the YouTube video URL.
  6. Select the video quality and tap the download button.
  7. After the video is downloaded, tap the folder icon in the lower-left corner and go to the Downloads folder.
  8. Tap and hold the downloaded video, then tap “Copy.”
  9. Open the Photos app and grant access to Documents when prompted.
  10. Tap “Paste” to save the video to your camera roll.

By following these steps, you can easily download and save YouTube videos directly to your camera roll on iOS, allowing you to watch them offline anytime, anywhere.

Saving YouTube Videos to Camera Roll on Android

If you’re an Android user and want to save YouTube videos to your camera roll for offline viewing, there are several methods available. One popular option is to use a YouTube video downloader app specifically designed for Android devices. These apps allow you to easily download and save YouTube videos directly to your device.

One recommended YouTube video downloader for Android is TubeMate. It is a free app that offers a user-friendly interface and allows you to download videos in various formats and resolutions. To use TubeMate, follow these simple steps:

  1. Download and install the TubeMate app from a trusted source such as the official website or an app store.
  2. Open the YouTube app and find the video you want to save.
  3. Tap the “Share” button and select TubeMate from the list of available options.
  4. In TubeMate, choose the desired video quality and tap the download button.
  5. Once the video is downloaded, you can find it in the app’s download folder or your device’s file explorer.
  6. To move the video to your camera roll, simply open your device’s gallery app, locate the video, and select the option to move or save it to your camera roll.
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Using a YouTube video downloader app like TubeMate allows you to have your favorite videos readily available in your camera roll, even when you don’t have an internet connection. However, it’s important to keep in mind that downloading copyrighted content without permission may infringe on the rights of the content creator, so use these apps responsibly.

Benefits of Downloading YouTube Videos to Your Device

When it comes to YouTube, the possibilities are endless. With millions of videos available at your fingertips, you can find entertainment, education, and inspiration. But what if you want to watch your favorite YouTube videos offline, without an internet connection? That’s where downloading YouTube videos to your device comes in handy. Here are some benefits of saving YouTube videos to your device, specifically to your gallery or camera roll:

1. Offline Viewing

One of the greatest advantages of downloading YouTube videos to your device is the ability to watch them when you don’t have an internet connection. This is especially useful when you’re traveling or in an area with limited or no internet access. Whether you’re on a long flight, commuting on public transportation, or simply relaxing in a remote location, having your favorite YouTube videos readily available offline can keep you entertained and informed.

2. Ad-Free Experience

By saving YouTube videos to your device, you can enjoy an ad-free viewing experience. Unlike watching videos on the YouTube app or website where ads may interrupt your viewing, downloaded videos can be played without any interruptions. This allows you to fully immerse yourself in the content and enjoy it without any distractions.

3. Easy Sharing

Downloading YouTube videos to your device also makes it easier to share them with others. Whether you want to show a funny video to a friend or share an educational video with a colleague, having the video saved on your device allows you to easily share it via email, messaging apps, or social media platforms. You can simply attach or link the video in your message, ensuring that the recipient can watch it without any restrictions.

4. Versatility and Creativity

When you save YouTube videos to your device’s gallery or camera roll, you open up a world of possibilities for creativity and versatility. Downloaded videos can be edited using video editing apps, allowing you to create clips, add effects, or combine multiple videos. You can also use downloaded videos for other purposes, such as incorporating them into your own videos, presentations, or projects. The ability to have the videos readily available on your device gives you the freedom to explore your creativity and make the most out of the content.

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save youtube videos to gallery

Considerations and Disclaimer

Before downloading YouTube videos, there are a few important considerations to keep in mind. It is crucial to understand the legal implications and respect copyright laws. Many YouTube videos are protected by copyright, and downloading them without permission may infringe on the rights of the creator. Always check the copyright status of a video before downloading it.

Furthermore, downloading videos from YouTube prevents any advertisements from generating revenue for the video’s creator. The income generated from ads allows creators to continue producing content. By downloading videos without ads, creators may lose out on potential income.

Another important point to note is that uploading downloaded YouTube videos to another website without permission may be against the terms of service of that website. It could lead to account suspension or other consequences. Always ensure you have the necessary rights and permissions before sharing downloaded videos on other platforms.

“It is crucial to understand the legal implications and respect copyright laws.”

Security Considerations

When downloading videos, it is important to use caution and ensure the safety of your device. Be cautious when downloading videos from unfamiliar websites, as they may contain malware or other security risks. Stick to reputable sources and employ security measures such as antivirus software to protect your device from potential threats.

Final Thoughts

Downloading YouTube videos can be a convenient way to watch videos offline and have them easily accessible. However, it is essential to be aware of the legal implications and respect copyright laws. Always obtain permission from the content creator or ensure the video is publicly available for download. By being cautious and responsible, you can enjoy your favorite YouTube videos while respecting the rights of creators.

download youtube video

Best Online Video Downloaders

If you prefer not to use apps, there are several online video downloaders you can use to save YouTube videos to your camera roll or device storage. These online tools provide a convenient way to download videos without the need to install any additional software. Some popular online video downloaders include SaveFrom and Y2Mate.

With these online video downloaders, you can easily save YouTube videos by following a few simple steps. First, you need to find the YouTube video you want to download and copy its URL. Then, go to the online video downloader website of your choice and paste the URL into the provided field. After that, you can select the desired video quality and start the download process. Once the video is downloaded, you can find it in your device’s storage or camera roll.

It’s important to choose a reputable online video downloader to ensure the safety of your device and the downloaded videos. Stick to well-known and trusted platforms that have positive user reviews and a proven track record of providing reliable and secure video downloads. This will help protect your device from potential malware or other security risks.

Online Video Downloaders Comparison

Online Video Downloader Features
  • Supports downloading videos from multiple platforms, including YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and more.
  • Allows you to choose from various video formats and resolutions.
  • Offers a browser extension for quick and easy video downloads.
  • Provides fast and reliable video downloads.
  • Offers options to download videos in different qualities, including HD and 4K.
  • Supports downloading YouTube videos as audio files (MP3).
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Remember to respect copyright laws when using online video downloaders. It’s important to only download videos that you have the right to access and save for personal use. Avoid downloading copyrighted content without proper authorization from the content creator.

By using these best online video downloaders, you can easily save your favorite YouTube videos for offline viewing. Whether you prefer using apps or online tools, there are options available for both iOS and Android devices. Just make sure to choose a reliable downloader, follow the provided instructions, and enjoy your downloaded videos at your convenience.


Saving YouTube videos to your camera roll or device storage is a convenient way to have your favorite videos easily accessible, even when you’re offline. Whether you’re using an iOS or Android device, there are different methods available to accomplish this task.

For iOS users, the “Documents by Readdle” app provides a straightforward way to save YouTube videos to your camera roll. By following the simple steps outlined in Section 2, you can quickly download and transfer videos for offline viewing.

Android users can also save YouTube videos to their camera roll by following the steps detailed in Section 3. Using the Google Chrome web browser and a reliable downloader website, you’ll be able to download and access videos on your Android device with ease.

As you embark on this process, it’s important to consider the implications and respect copyright laws. Always check the copyright status of the video you wish to download and refrain from uploading downloaded content without permission. By following these considerations and using reputable online video downloaders, you can enjoy your favorite YouTube videos on the go, without the need for an internet connection.


How can I save a YouTube video to my camera roll?

To save a YouTube video to your camera roll, you can use third-party apps or online downloader tools. Follow the steps mentioned in the article for detailed instructions.

Can I save YouTube videos to my camera roll on an iPhone?

Yes, you can save YouTube videos to your camera roll on an iPhone using the “Documents by Readdle” app. The article provides step-by-step instructions for this method.

How can I save YouTube videos to my camera roll on an Android device?

To save YouTube videos to your camera roll on an Android device, you can use the Google Chrome web browser and online downloader websites. Refer to the article for the complete process.

What are the benefits of downloading YouTube videos to my device?

There are several benefits of downloading YouTube videos, including the ability to watch them offline, avoid advertisements, easily share them with others, and use them for editing or other purposes. Read the article for more details on the benefits.

Are there any considerations and disclaimers when downloading YouTube videos?

Yes, there are a few things to consider before downloading YouTube videos, such as copyright issues, revenue generation for creators, and website terms of service. The article provides important considerations and a disclaimer to keep in mind.

What are the best online video downloaders?

Some popular online video downloaders include SaveFrom and Y2Mate. These websites allow you to paste the YouTube video URL and choose the desired video quality for download. Check out the article for more details on online video downloaders.

Is it possible to save YouTube videos to my device without using apps?

Yes, there are online video downloaders available that allow you to save YouTube videos to your camera roll or device storage without using apps. Make sure to select a reputable online video downloader for safety reasons. Refer to the article for more information on this option.


  • Hi, I'm Rebekah! I created to delve into YouTube. Passionate about Youtube, Influencers, etc. I'm here to bring you fresh perspectives and actionable insights. Let's explore, learn, and create together!